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RaMbaM - Hilchos Shabbos Chapter 6 - Amira Lnochri

album: לרפו"ש יוסף חיים בן הינדע
genre: Shiur Halacha
streams: 3

RaMbaM - Hilchos Shabbos Chapter 6 - Amira Lnochri
Rabbi Yehoshua Kalish
About Us Rabbi Yehoshua Kalish

Rabbi Yehoshua Kalish is currently the Rabbi of the Bais Medrash of Harborview in Lawrence, New York. He also serves as a Rosh Kollel in Cedarhurst. He earned a Semicah degree at Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, New Jersey. He delivers Daf Yomi lectures regularly in the Five Towns.

audio tracks: 127